Youth Computer Skill Development
Youth Computer Skill Development
Youth Computer Skill Development
Youth Computer Skill Development
Youth Computer Skill Development is a branded name of the Pioneer Institute name which is derived from the dream of its creator and maker who has planned through his eyes of future development to set up a Institute with its branch centres at different states around India. In order to create the rural employment opportunities among different courses based on Computer Education as well Skill Development Courses, Vocational Courses, Spoken English Courses, Personality Development Courses, Kids Computer & Kids Spoken English Courses & Carrier Development Courses etc. YCSD is very much ambitious in traducing the aforesaid branches of courses to this rural area where young generation form the middle and poor middle needy classes are struggling to their hardest level to get a bit of employment in order to maintain their livelihood and to look after their families.
The creator and founder of this Institute "Youth Computer Skill Development", however realized the importance of setting up this objective that after completion of this courses to be imparted by this institute, most of the trainees coming from these surrounding rural areas the institute's main branch, Rameswarpur, Dist. Hooghly would be benefitted to be deployed at any Government or private offices/production/small scale industry etc., not only in the state of West Bengal but also in India. This institute will enable the students to go in search of suitable field of their employment at large.
Different courses of YCSD functioning under different franchisee institute are designed to set up with its skilled and organized infrastructure in such a way that students with their respective interest/preference and eagerness will impart the courses in order to enable them technically expertise country may facilitate themselves to connect them with the technical world of employment, even making them fully self-employed in the present crisis, if bread and butter of educated youth can certainly give the remarkable exposure in respect of credential of YCSD.
In the present Scenario, the impact of recognized certificate with proper & skill education imparted by the pioneer institute like YCSD is almost commendable where various courses are conducted by this institute under the appropriate registration act with an aim to make the efficient employee / IT professional.
With a view to setting up various course program within the same area under the functioning of one Franchise / different franchises will provide multifarious courses where the students of a particular area may easily avail different courses to make them ready for all round expertise even in the present need of employment.
At present, this institute has been trying to be stakeholder thus not only with the dream of state of West Bengal but also the dream of Government of India making Skill India which is the ultimate objective of our present democratic system.
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart like mine.
Roy Colony, Propod Dasgupta Road, Salugara